Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My time in Florida

So, time is assuredly passing away.  I can’t seem to stop it or even slow it down from slipping away… but to be fully honest… I like that!  Each day that passes is such a joy!  Ohh how I love to walk through each day with my Savior! 
So these last weeks I’ve been in Florida visiting with my parents.  I arrived just before Christmas and had the pleasure of sharing the holidays with my brother Sean, sister in law Tanya, niece Riley, and my nephew Gavin.  We had some nice weather with beach days included.  We also just did a lot of hanging out sharing our lives.  My mother Lyn, and father Pat, bought everyone passes to Bush Gardens.  So we all got the chance to ride roller coasters together… it was quite fun!  I find that each year that passes by I value my family more.  At times it’s hard to live my life as I do, but it’s worth the cost.  What an honor it is to be used across the world as Jesus’ hands and feet… and it’s simply because I’m willing… Let us consider what He’s asking each of us to do this very day… and love Him with our obedience.
So today is Wednesday and I leave in four days.  I smile and chuckle as I write that.  How does one prepare for their first mission trip to India?  I’ve been many places in the world, but nowhere like India.  In many ways I think I’ll be walking into another world… with strange customs… strange beliefs… and strange gods.  I am so grateful that the Lord has opened my eyes to His truth.  I remember seven years ago being unsaved and backpacking through Europe.  Those months abroad opened my eyes to the spiritual world and I became an official ‘seeker.’  There is something to traveling and being amongst such different cultures that causes you to ask the serious questions in this life.  I love how God has brought many people into my path these past years that are also searching… and now I have the opportunity to point them to the truth.  Glory!!
I have posted my schedule my ministry activities in February.  Will you please join me in prayer as I set off to do the Lord’s work?  Thank you so much friends!  Keep me posted with your life so that I may share your joy and join you in prayer.  I love you all in Christ!

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