Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In India

Well I’ve arrived here in Chennai safely.  God provided for me in awesome ways during the flight.  One praise is it went by very quickly.  Another is I had divine appointments on each flight.  I had people to share God with and another person who was also going to India for mission work and he got to encourage me.  God orders all our steps and richly provides for His people. 
So now I am taking 1 day to get over the jet lag.  The USA is 10 ½ hours different than India.  I had a most delicious lunch today, but it was very spicy.  Tomorrow I go to start my work with Metro Missions.  I’ll be speaking in schools all week at special assemblies.  Keep myself and those special children in prayer.


  1. Glad you arrived safely Erin! I always admired your ability to share God with the people that you meet. Hope you get over the jet lag soon :-)

  2. So glad you made it safely there, Erin!

    1. Thanks! Ya,I called because the flight was going to arrive 10 minutes before my India flight took off... and of course in the opposite terminal! But praise the Lord... I made it!

  3. We've been praying for you! I'm so glad you made it safely! Rest while you can - it sounds like you're going to be very busy! I'm so excited to hear what God is going to do!

    1. Thanks for your prayers!! I've felt them! God is faithful Lish!!

  4. So glad you arrived safe and sound - I so look forward to hearing about this new chapter of your life!

    1. Heather! What a blessing it is to hear from you and read some of your posts! I love your s'mores!! Do you take all your pics yourself? If so... you're so artsy!! Thanks for your encouragement! Best to you!

  5. So excited for you Erin! I can't wait to read as God works mightily through you in India!

    1. Thanks Steph for getting back to me. I feel 100% better btw! Ill be in touch again soon.

  6. I have been thinking of you NON STOP!! You are doing an amazing thing and I am SO proud of you. It is all in his hands and that is beautiful!!! Wish I could hear your voice...All my love, hugs and kisses!!!!

    1. Wow thanks Tanya! I appreciate your email! I love you sis!! I have a cell phone here and I've looked online... its super cheap to call India. So, look into it! I'd love to chat at some point! I love you dear!! Tell the kidos I said hello!!
